…And found this delightful arrangement of cautionary art in Birmingham, MI. I love the way the cone brings an authenticity of the “street” to an industrial repose of the divine gas meters (the trinity), offset with irony by the flower planter which obviously (despite its freshly-watered status) has seen better days since being torn from its natural Arden. Wait, I forgot to capitalize Art…
I especially appreciate the innovative use of the gas meter as a garden hose holder. The second cone tucked behind the planter appears to again caution the audience to look out for failed attempts of masking the unsightly and abusing the utilitarian. Lipstick on a pig. The gas meters could be quite beguiling, were it not for all the “baubles”. Fittingly, the cone has seen better days as well.
Your photo makes me want to drive my car into it. Thank you for capturing and sharing this delightful arrangement.