And even more greetings from a Christmas Day drive thru the backroads, all fossil-powered and very traditional. That’s Santa back there with the Misses, behind the dinosaur.
Tag Archives: Christmas
The Christmas Bulb
Nearing the end of the year, a time to sit back and edit all those shots that stretch years into the past. Many not scanned, resting like cordwood on contact sheets under camera parts and cans of air. Changed my OS so many times that I’m sure the scanner needs emergency driver updates too. But here, I’ve found the secret to Santa’s lead sleigh-runner. And in case I become forgetful, Merry Christmas! Bring on 2010.
Greetings from the Season
You’d think I’d forget you? This time of year? We’ve known each other longer than that. Well, here you go. A little something. Something I found. Merry Christmas.
Bearing Gifts
All the shopping is done, carts abandoned, cars packed and off we go. Merry Christmas and the best for 2008.
Christmas Waiting Room
A jolly man hidden behind a holiday, talking with his hands and credit cards. Coffee’s been on the burner all day.