exhibition, Foto8, gallery, HOST Gallery, Leica, Leica M6, Leica M8, Leica M9, photography, rangefound, show

Comfort Motel at HOST Gallery London, Foto8 Summershow

My photo of Detroit’s Comfort Motel (in demolition stage) made it into the Foto8 Summer Show 2008, held at the HOST Gallery in London (1-5 Honduras Street, London, EC1Y 0TH). And of course, it will be for sale. Printed at 18″x12″ (actual cropping wider than above). In other news, I’m on my way to Germany, Sweden and Norway for 2 weeks of photo gathering for a Saab print shoot.

Grand Canyon Skywalk, highway robbery, off-road, torture

Grand Canyon Skywalk

Well I’ll tell ya, if you’re thinking about going to the Grand Canyon Skywalk on the western side of the Canyon, don’t drive your own car. There are 14 miles of unpaved road (each way) that will tear your vehicle a-part. And when after over an hour of navigating ruts, dust and trenches, be prepared to pay $20 for the experience (parking). Then another $30 (per person) for a further bus ride to the walk itself. I couldn’t justify it, no sir. Ate the parking fee and turned around. Especially since a rock flew up on the way back and dinged the windshield. Fortunately, it was a rental. I didn’t stop vibrating for days. No wonder everyone I saw heading back had a look of “get me out of here” in their eyes.

Artist Statement, Foot In Mouth

Artist Statement Anyone?

Always puzzling is the desire by those in creative arts academia to possess a photographer’s ARTIST STATEMENT. The danger being that much of what makes an image powerful is neatly defused in the explanatory prose. And some of the fun, the mystical, is removed from the equation. I love the feeling when an image stirs up questions; when it taps into some great internal resonant current of wonder. How disappointing it is to read an over-worded statement of creative intention that reduces a potentially magic property into a thesaurus of junior college art school ho-hum. In this day and age too many things are over-explained. Look into why any of the great photographers why they did what they did and chances are they’ll say that they just wanted to see what a particular scene looked like on film. (Of course, you are free to completely ignore my OWN artist statement, ahem.)
