2009, July 4th, Leica, Leica M8, mexican food, Mexican Town, michigan, Street Photography, wrestling

International Bigtime Wrestling Selects

Finally, a few selects from last year’s International Bigtime Wrestling event in Mexicantown, Detroit. There was wonderful food, fake blood (no really), fantastic showmanship, and some menacing escaped convicts just hanging out with the kids. Originally posted about this back in July, 2009.

wrestling detroit rangefound

2009, Detroit, July 4th, Leica M8, Mexican Town, wrestling

Big Time Wrastlin’


Fourth of July, 2009. Mexican Town wrestling match downtown Detroit. Absolute genius. Finest theater since Shakespeare. It really went to the street and stopped traffic. Here, a baby sleeps through the excitement. One day she can say she missed Chuck Wagon beat the tar out of the man in the foreground on Vernor Hwy. Rematch coming Labor Day Weekend.

