Finally, a few selects from last year’s International Bigtime Wrestling event in Mexicantown, Detroit. There was wonderful food, fake blood (no really), fantastic showmanship, and some menacing escaped convicts just hanging out with the kids. Originally posted about this back in July, 2009.
Tag Archives: photography
Waiting For Lens Calibration
Finally, the old Summicron-M 2/35 is getting a much needed tune up at Leica NJ: focus calibration, focus mount fix, general cleaning and the all-new 6 bit coding. Got it used in 2000 (I think) in Kalamazoo and really never had it checked out. I remember screwing down a loose base plate in ’04 with tweezers “in the field” in Ketchum, ID. 4-6 weeks ETA.
Chevy Volt on ALAMY
Uploaded the remainders & extras from 2009’s Chevy Volt shoot (for Monocle Magazine) to my account at ALAMY. Some good images that haven’t yet seen the light of day. Available for EDITORIAL use.
Start A Juicy Day
At the counter of an area Coney Island. A hint of health behind (or in front of) every chili cheese fry and coney dog.
Dave Bennett Recording Session
Recently was invited by Ed Wolfrum to a Detroit recording session for Dave Bennett, clarinet phenom deluxe. If you like Benny Goodman (think Carnegie Hall 1938), you’ll be very surprised. CD from this session forthcoming. Go to for release and show information.
Season’s Greetings From Your Sinclair Dealer
And even more greetings from a Christmas Day drive thru the backroads, all fossil-powered and very traditional. That’s Santa back there with the Misses, behind the dinosaur.
Street-Wise: Garry Winogrand & Alexey Titarenko
Was alerted to this post by John Bailey, ASC on Garry Winogrand and street photography. With great links to YouTube videos and interviews as well. Enjoy!
The Christmas Bulb
Nearing the end of the year, a time to sit back and edit all those shots that stretch years into the past. Many not scanned, resting like cordwood on contact sheets under camera parts and cans of air. Changed my OS so many times that I’m sure the scanner needs emergency driver updates too. But here, I’ve found the secret to Santa’s lead sleigh-runner. And in case I become forgetful, Merry Christmas! Bring on 2010.
Homebrew Kodachrome
Anyone seen this? A homebrew kodachrome machine. Full photo explanation shown here.
Black Monday thru Friday
Just so you know, there are bargains yet to be had in front of Harry Winston, W 56th and 5th NYC. REAL designer jewelry for only $10. (And if you look at Google Street View, you’ll see the sale has been going on for some time.)