2013, America, Art Of Photography, awards, celebration, discarded, editorial, exhibition, faux, for sale, gallery, Leica, Leica M9, michigan, photography, Prize, rangefound, taxidermy

Art Of Photography 2013 Selection

My image “Bag Bear” has been selected for inclusion in the Art Of Photography Show 2013 opening October 12th at the San Diego Art Institute. Thanks to producer Steven Churchill and Dr. Julia Dolan, the The Minor White Curator of Photography at the Portland Art Museum.

Update: Check out all the 2013 winners at the Art Of Photography Show 2013 gallery.

Rangefound Art Of Photography

2010, Carnival, celebration, Detroit, faux, hanging, Leica M9, lion, michigan, Prize, rangefound, Street Photography, taxidermy

Fresh Cuts of Faux

Downtown carnival with a new prize offering: fresh hanging cuts of fury faux lions and tigers. Like fuzzy sides of meat in a butcher’s playland. Or something like that. (Shhh…they’re sleeping…)

Lions leica rangefound

2010, Detroit, discarded, faux

Non-Rangefinder Break

Like many snap addicts across the land, I have been living with a condition known as Hipstamatic. I hear it will naturally run its course and leave the system in weeks. But right now I am in the thick of it. Fun but fake old photos. And returning to my home via Amtrak, passing through Detroit, I hade to do a Hipstamatic study outside the train windows. Here are but a few of what I could get in between the iPhone choking on low processing power:
