2010, Leica M8, Leica M9, photography, Shutter

Waiting On The 9…Almost Over

The M9 is backordered – although ordered – and the 35mm is still at Leica NJ for calibration and restoration (since January). If anyone is interested, the M8 (with new M8.2 shutter and corrected framelines) may soon be on ebay.

UPDATE: the M9 arrived but like so many things in life that have to be done at least 2 times before it can be right), it went back with a sensor/processor error and should be back next week. 35mm lens back and now wonderfully accurate. A difference of night & day.

2009, July 4th, Leica, Leica M8, mexican food, Mexican Town, michigan, Street Photography, wrestling

International Bigtime Wrestling Selects

Finally, a few selects from last year’s International Bigtime Wrestling event in Mexicantown, Detroit. There was wonderful food, fake blood (no really), fantastic showmanship, and some menacing escaped convicts just hanging out with the kids. Originally posted about this back in July, 2009.

wrestling detroit rangefound

2009, American Tour, awards, blurb, Leica, Leica M6, Leica M8, Leica M9, New York Photo Awards, NYPH, photobook, photography, rangefound, Street Photography

New York Photo Awards 2009 Nomination

Well, I am honored to find out (months after the fact) I had made it into the NOMINATION stage of the 2009 New York Photo Festival Awards with my photo book American Tour. The book is available for purchase at blurb.

(I often wonder what would have happened had the Comfort Motel NOT been torn down…)


List of nominees can be seen here: http://www.nyphotofestival.com/site/?page_id=4432

From the press release:


NYPHA’09 Nominations
The Jury of the New York Photo Awards 2009 (NYPHA’09) is pleased to announce the following Nominees.

To be named a nominee of the New York Photo Awards 2009 means that one has been selected for the final round of judging, during which time only three finalists will be chosen (Winner and two Honorable Mentions). Considering the number of rounds that the Jury has already been through, being nominated is truly an award in and of itself. We are very proud of this year’s Nominees. It is clear that they represent the Future of Contemporary Photography, and we wish them continued success.

The Winners and Honorable Mentions will be announced (and their work presented) at the Gala Ceremony for the New York Photo Awards 2009 on Friday, May 15th at 8pm in the St. Ann’s Warehouse Auditorium. This is a special ticketed event, there are only 415 seats, and they are selling out fast. Last year, we packed the place to the gills, and still had another 200+ people flowing out to the streets. So, if you want a seat, you have to have a ticket. Festival passes and tickets can be purchased here.


2009, Detroit, July 4th, Leica M8, Mexican Town, wrestling

Big Time Wrastlin’


Fourth of July, 2009. Mexican Town wrestling match downtown Detroit. Absolute genius. Finest theater since Shakespeare. It really went to the street and stopped traffic. Here, a baby sleeps through the excitement. One day she can say she missed Chuck Wagon beat the tar out of the man in the foreground on Vernor Hwy. Rematch coming Labor Day Weekend.


film, Leica M6, Leica M8, Shutter, Upgrade

Waiting For Leica

Sent the M8 in to the shop for a shutter and rangefinder mask upgrade. In the meantime pulled out the M6 and loaded some Rollei ScanFilm CN 400. To my horror discovered my old Santa Monica lab is gone. All labs here in Michigan I used to use have been gone for a while already. Looking to NYC for an answer. In the meantime, waiting for Leica and the upgrade.

**Update: arrived yesterday. Have to say new quieter shutter does indeed make a huge difference. Only wish it came installed in the first place…

2009, ALAMY, America, assignment, editorial, GM Tech Center, Leica, Leica M6, Leica M8, Leica M9, Monocle Magazine, photography, rangefound, VOLT

Monocle April 09 Out Now

Look for my images in the April 09 issue of MONOCLE. Editorial covering GM Tech Center and the Volt. Here, a tear sheet from the issue and a couple outtakes from the session. Go to www.monocle.com for more info.



Updade: Uploaded the remainders & extras from 2009’s Chevy Volt shoot (for Monocle Magazine) to my account at ALAMY.

AZ, jean jacket, Leica M8, Meteor Crater, rangefound

Good Things Come In Threes…

Three sides that is. From last May at Meteor Crater in AZ. One of those shots that’s just plain lucky. Triangles are everywhere, from the space capsule, to the man’s stride on the left, to the back of the blue jean jacket, to the shrub, to the slope of the hill in background…and a couple more.

Meteor Crater, AZ

exhibition, Foto8, gallery, HOST Gallery, Leica, Leica M6, Leica M8, Leica M9, photography, rangefound, show

Comfort Motel at HOST Gallery London, Foto8 Summershow

My photo of Detroit’s Comfort Motel (in demolition stage) made it into the Foto8 Summer Show 2008, held at the HOST Gallery in London (1-5 Honduras Street, London, EC1Y 0TH). And of course, it will be for sale. Printed at 18″x12″ (actual cropping wider than above). In other news, I’m on my way to Germany, Sweden and Norway for 2 weeks of photo gathering for a Saab print shoot.

breakfast, grease, joy, Leica M8, mcdonalds, trash


Sometimes, you just have to give in. And when you do it’s like fine wine. Memories flood back, colors look brighter, music is everywhere. The sun shines. Then you shake hands with the clown, excuse yourself and say you’ll be seeing him again someday. Far down the road. Another time. Maybe we’ll have something to laugh about. Then. Down the road.
