Category Archives: film
American Photography 29
One of my images from “rangefound” photobook (below) has been chosen in the 2013 American Photography 29 competition. Image will be housed online in the AI-AP Archive. “One of only 185 images from over 9,000 submitted…”
“Horror Movies” Photobook Out Now
New photobook OUT NOW from Rangefound: “horror movies”. Many vintage M6 shots (Fuji Velvia, Kodachrome, Provia, some cross-processed) with a few Mamiya 7 pics tucked in for good measure. 74 pages on ProLine uncoated paper, available and for sale here.
Photobook “state fair” Now At Blurb
UPDATE: “state fair” Winner 2011 PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris, Bronze, People’s Choice
My new photobook “state fair” available at Blurb. Photo documentation of one of the last State Fairs held in Detroit, Michigan (2005) before funding ran out. Photographed with a Leica M6 on Fujichrome Velvia 100F 35 mm slide film, cross-processed into negatives.
Road Blocked
The meeting of machines on a narrow sidewalk, not enough room to avoid confrontation. I say, he who flies the flag gets the honors. Los Angeles/Echo Park, CA.
Waiting For Leica
Sent the M8 in to the shop for a shutter and rangefinder mask upgrade. In the meantime pulled out the M6 and loaded some Rollei ScanFilm CN 400. To my horror discovered my old Santa Monica lab is gone. All labs here in Michigan I used to use have been gone for a while already. Looking to NYC for an answer. In the meantime, waiting for Leica and the upgrade.
**Update: arrived yesterday. Have to say new quieter shutter does indeed make a huge difference. Only wish it came installed in the first place…