An image from “Everybody Space” series has entered Leica’s LFI Gallery.
Category Archives: 2019
13th Annual International Color Awards Nominations
Once again, I’m honored to have earned 3 nominations in the 13th Annual International Color Awards; two in the “Americana” category and 1 in the “Still Life” category. In total, ICA received 6,093 entries from 73 countries.
Trinity Rest Site

Dreams Of LA
Pull The Plug On Summer
Flat Earth @ Cape Canaveral

Just outside NASA in Cape Canaveral squats a fallen world.
12th Annual International Color Awards Nomination
Honored to again be a part of the International Color Awards with my nomination in the Fine Arts category, 12th Edition. Dig, if you will, a large Pistachio in New Mexico.

Store Closing
Cincinnati, 2019.