2010, Leica, Leica M6, Leica M8, Leica M9, Mamiya 7, photography, rangefound, Street Photography

RangeFound Now Registered As Trademark

And it’s official: the RangeFound name for online journals, sites, blogs featuring rangefinder camera photography and general photography is a registered U.S. Trademark (Reg. No. 3,893,811) and protected via International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) under Madrid Agreement and Protocol July 29, 2011 (Reg. No. 1 089 240). All rights reserved. No use of images, content or RangeFound name without permission.

2010, California, car wash, cars, Christmas lights, discarded, Leica, Leica M9, off-road, parking lot, photography, rangefound, Street Photography

Dust Bowl Blues

South of Fresno, CA (Fall 2010) a couple cars parked off the highway next to the fill-er-up. Dust caked and time baked to distinction. Ultimately bound for glory in my book. Nice juxtaposition with the Christmas lights permanently fixed to the house.

2010, American Tour, awards, exhibition, gallery, Leica M6, Leica M8, Leica M9, photography, rangefound, show, Street Photography

Opening in Rome

My American Tour photobook opens September 23 in Rome at  FotoGrafia Festival Internazionale di Roma (September 23 thru October 24 2010 at the MACRO Testaccio).

See a LINK here.

More details in post below.
