2010, NYC, rangefound, Street Photography

Because Dirt Goes With Everything

From a recent trip to NYC. Cigar store window display and all the class it promises from sitting in the sun under smoke haze and dirt crumble. Reminds me of how well (or not) Moonraker has stood the test of time. (And yes I know, that’s not Roger Moore down there under all that filth…)


2010, Leica M8, Leica M9, photography, Shutter

Waiting On The 9…Almost Over

The M9 is backordered – although ordered – and the 35mm is still at Leica NJ for calibration and restoration (since January). If anyone is interested, the M8 (with new M8.2 shutter and corrected framelines) may soon be on ebay.

UPDATE: the M9 arrived but like so many things in life that have to be done at least 2 times before it can be right), it went back with a sensor/processor error and should be back next week. 35mm lens back and now wonderfully accurate. A difference of night & day.

2010, NYC, photography, rangefound, seasons, Street Photography

There Are 9 Million New Yorkers…

And all of them were out this last weekend due to extremely pleasant temps in the 70s. Mr. Softies were on patrol as well. Now if we can just find this dog and cat a home we’d be in business.

there are 9 million new yorkers rangefound
Reminds me a little of this “portrait” I did years ago for a friend…


2009, July 4th, Leica, Leica M8, mexican food, Mexican Town, michigan, Street Photography, wrestling

International Bigtime Wrestling Selects

Finally, a few selects from last year’s International Bigtime Wrestling event in Mexicantown, Detroit. There was wonderful food, fake blood (no really), fantastic showmanship, and some menacing escaped convicts just hanging out with the kids. Originally posted about this back in July, 2009.

wrestling detroit rangefound

2010, Leica, photography, Upgrade

Waiting For Lens Calibration

Finally, the old Summicron-M 2/35 is getting a much needed tune up at Leica NJ: focus calibration, focus mount fix, general cleaning and the all-new 6 bit coding. Got it used in 2000 (I think) in Kalamazoo and really never had it checked out. I remember screwing down a loose base plate in ’04 with tweezers “in the field” in Ketchum, ID. 4-6 weeks ETA.

2009, 2010, ALAMY, Chevy, GM Tech Center, Monocle Magazine, photography, rangefound, VOLT

Chevy Volt on ALAMY

Uploaded the remainders & extras from 2009’s Chevy Volt shoot (for Monocle Magazine) to my account at ALAMY. Some good images that haven’t yet seen the light of day. Available for EDITORIAL use.

Detroit, michigan, rangefound

Dave Bennett Recording Session

Recently was invited by Ed Wolfrum to a Detroit recording session for Dave Bennett, clarinet phenom deluxe. If you like Benny Goodman (think Carnegie Hall 1938), you’ll be very surprised. CD from this session forthcoming. Go to www.davebennett.com for release and show information.
