America, ASMP, ASMPNY, awards, Color Awards, fur coat, gallery, golden, Leica, Leica M9, photography, rangefound, San Francisco, storefront, Street Photography, taxidermy

Winner in 7th Annual International Color Awards

Just stumbled onto the knowledge I was chosen (back in May) as “3rd Place – Honor of Distinction” in the 7th Annual International Color Awards “People Category” with the following image of the famous San Francisco Twins. Also discovered I received 4 nominations in “Still Life” and 4 more nominations in “Americana”. Not bad for never getting the original notification…check out all the winners & nominations in the gallery or download The Journal pdf.

Lopard Ladies

“The 7th Annual awards received 7,416 entries from 79 countries and honored 274 title awards and 864 nominees at the Nomination & Winners Photoshow webcast Saturday, May 3, 2014. “

2013, America, election, hand-wringing, Leica, Leica M9, Mystery, off-road, photobook, photography, published, rangefound, secret, service, Street Photography

X Marks The Spot

Recently at the Grassy Knoll; Dealey Plaza, Dallas. From Rangefound Vol. 1.

Kennedy2 Kennedy1
