Santa Monica, CA 2009. Day before my own departure. A study in perspective.
Tag Archives: Limbert
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In case you might be feedin’ offa this here blog, do a little update to your feedbag source. Changed from BLOGGER to WORDPRESS. Trying to make it as painless as possible.
Olde New York Street
What does one find when strolling AnyStreet, USA in backdropstudioland? A bent lamp post with a pop can in the socket. A light rig hiding behind the curtains of a quaint book store. And bicycles in the Chocolat Shoppe. AnyStreet USA. A curious familiarity from a scene you seen. Somewhere late at night. In a theater near you.
Int’l Photography Awards 2009
A couple of my entries have completed the first three rounds of judging in the International Photography Awards 2009 and now have been named OFFICIAL SELECTIONS. They include the single image “Vegas Couch” and the reproduced food image series “Delicious” (three sample images below).
Delicious statement: An image series of commercially created and idealistically presented foods and dishes, passed through the filter of time, age, distance, weather and photographic reproduction into new serving suggestions.
Expo ’67: The Future…Today!
Was in Montreal the weekend of August 8th for musical pursuits (Fortune & Maltese and the Phabulous Pallbearers) and of course had to stop by the Expo ’67 grounds. After many wrong turns (despite having the latest GPS and iPhone navigation information available) and driving through a casino parking garage, we reached the destination. Here in front of the Biosphere entrance lies a discarded cork-heeled pump of sorts and a flat water bottle carcass.
An informational display highlighting vegetation and ecology is beyond the Biosphere. Further down the path are some excellent hot dogs.
…And found this delightful arrangement of cautionary art in Birmingham, MI. I love the way the cone brings an authenticity of the “street” to an industrial repose of the divine gas meters (the trinity), offset with irony by the flower planter which obviously (despite its freshly-watered status) has seen better days since being torn from its natural Arden. Wait, I forgot to capitalize Art…
New York Photo Awards 2009 Nomination
Well, I am honored to find out (months after the fact) I had made it into the NOMINATION stage of the 2009 New York Photo Festival Awards with my photo book American Tour. The book is available for purchase at blurb.
(I often wonder what would have happened had the Comfort Motel NOT been torn down…)
List of nominees can be seen here:
From the press release:
NYPHA’09 Nominations
The Jury of the New York Photo Awards 2009 (NYPHA’09) is pleased to announce the following Nominees.
To be named a nominee of the New York Photo Awards 2009 means that one has been selected for the final round of judging, during which time only three finalists will be chosen (Winner and two Honorable Mentions). Considering the number of rounds that the Jury has already been through, being nominated is truly an award in and of itself. We are very proud of this year’s Nominees. It is clear that they represent the Future of Contemporary Photography, and we wish them continued success.
The Winners and Honorable Mentions will be announced (and their work presented) at the Gala Ceremony for the New York Photo Awards 2009 on Friday, May 15th at 8pm in the St. Ann’s Warehouse Auditorium. This is a special ticketed event, there are only 415 seats, and they are selling out fast. Last year, we packed the place to the gills, and still had another 200+ people flowing out to the streets. So, if you want a seat, you have to have a ticket. Festival passes and tickets can be purchased here.
Big Time Wrastlin’
Fourth of July, 2009. Mexican Town wrestling match downtown Detroit. Absolute genius. Finest theater since Shakespeare. It really went to the street and stopped traffic. Here, a baby sleeps through the excitement. One day she can say she missed Chuck Wagon beat the tar out of the man in the foreground on Vernor Hwy. Rematch coming Labor Day Weekend.